Nat Immunol:首次揭示一種新的炎性蛋白NLRC3的功能

關鍵詞:炎性蛋白,NLRC3,NF-Kappa B,NLR蛋白傢族,NLRP12,TRAFasome


NLR蛋白傢族中的大多數成員起著炎癥促進物的作用。然而,研究人員報道,一種新鑒定出的NLR蛋白,即NLRC3,能夠抑制一種由蛋白NF-Kappa B控制的主要炎性通路。NF-Kappa B激活長期以來就與炎癥和促進癌癥產生相關聯。2012年8月5日,他們的研究論文在線發表在Nature Immunology期刊上。

研究人員之前就曾報道,另一種NLR蛋白傢族成員NLRP12也能夠抑制NF-Kappa B激活。然而,在這項新研究中,他們報道,NLRC3通過一種完全不同的機制來抑制這個主要的炎性通路。研究人員發現,NLRC3直接與分子TRAF6相互作用並形成一種新的之前沒有描述過的被稱作為“蛋白TRAF復合體(TRAFasome)”的蛋白復合物。TRAF6是NF-kappaB的一個關鍵性的調節物,也是炎癥調節的一個關鍵性步驟。

在臨床前小鼠模式模型中,研究人員能夠證實在內毒素休克(endotoxic shock)期間,NLRC3和TRAFasome的形成在調節免疫反應發揮著重要作用,其中內毒素休克是一種嚴重性的高度發炎過程,通常與嚴重感染相關聯。

論文第一作者Monika Schneider解釋道,“我們的研究有助於人們更加深入地認識控制炎癥的機制和鑒定出潛在的治療性靶標。”(生物谷

本文編譯自UNC team describes novel inflammatory protein function

doi: 10.1038/ni.2378

The innate immune sensor NLRC3 attenuates Toll-like receptor signaling via modification of the糕點成型機 signaling adaptor TRAF6 and transcription factor NF-κB

Monika Schneider, Albert G Zimmermann, Reid A Roberts, Lu Zh烘焙設備介紹ang, Karen V Swanson, Haitao Wen, Beckley K Davis, Irving C Allen, Eda K Holl, Zhengmao Ye, Adeeb H Rahman, Brian J Conti, Timothy K Eitas, Beverly H Koller Jenny P-Y Ting

Several members of the NLR family of sensors activate innate immunity. In contrast, we found here that NLRC3 inhibited Toll-like receptor (TLR)-dependent activation of the transcription factor NF-κB by interacting with the TLR signaling adaptor TRAF6 to attenuate Lys63 (K63)-linked ubiquitination of TRAF6 and activation of NF-κB. We used bioinformatics to predict interactions between NLR and TRAF proteins, including interactions of TRAF with NLRC3. In vivo, macrophage expression of Nlrc3 mRNA was diminished by the administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) but was restored when cellular activation subsided. To assess biologic relevance, we generated Nlrc3 / mice. LPS-treated Nlrc3 / macrophages had more K63-ubiquitinated TRAF6, nuclear NF-κB and proinflammatory cytokines. Finally, LPS-treated Nlrc3 / mice had more signs of inflammation. Thus, signaling via NLRC3 and TLR constitutes a negative feedback loop. Furthermore, prevalent NLR-TRAF interactions suggest the formation of a 'TRAFasome' complex.


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